Appointment Services

A date-selectable calendar view will be provided after clicking continue. All fees are base fees, as the finished square footage increases the inspection fee increases.

Home Inspection: Base Fee $400.00 Fees are based on the finished square footage and increase as the finished square footage increases. All full home inspections include a Certified Mold Assessment and a Certified Thermal Scan at no additional cost. 1
Pre-Drywall Inspection Starts At $375.00 Fees are based on the total sqaure footage of the property. 1 $375.00
Mold Assessment with Testing Includes the collection of six mold samples, mold remediation/sanitization protcols, a Certified Thermal Scan and lab fees. 1 $575.00
11-Month Warranty Inspection Base Fee $400.00 Give your builder a list of repair items from an independent source. All full home inspections include a Certified Mold Assessment and a Certified Thermal Scan at no additional cost. 1
Commercial Property Inspection Starts At $550.00, based on total square footage of the property. 1 $550.00
Add Radon Test With Home Inspection 1 $150.00
Add Radon In Water Test Determines the amount of radon gas in the water that comes from your faucet. 1 $150.00
Add Mold Testing to Home Inspection Collection of mold samples, mold assessment report, mold remediation/sanitization protocols. 1 $275.00
Add Water Test Test provides results for; Lead, Coliform,Pesticides,Chlorine, Hardness, Iron, pH, Alkalinity, Copper, Nitrates,and Nitrites. 1 $75.00
WDO Wood Destroying Organism Inspection A non-invasive observable inspection of crawlspaces, basements, attics, interior and exterior of the primaary residenceproperty for indications of termites, carpenter ants, powder posts beetles, and carpenter bees. 1 $125.00
Add Sewer Scope to Home Inspection An internal evalaution of the main sewer line with a camera to alert you to internal pipe damage and blockages. 1 $150.00