Our 2022 conference was a great success! Session recordings are now available below.
Schedule Day 1 | Schedule Day 2
Conference Session Recordings
Day 1: Industry Day
Thursday, October 6, 2022
10:20 am – 10:50 am ET
Presenting Switch
Presenter: Dave Theus, Tenney110
Switch is a proprietary technology company that creates an easy-to-use digital library of a home’s appliances and systems by scanning the data plates and auto populating essential documents — think owner’s manuals, energy guides, recall checks, installation guides, dimensions, and more. Homebuyers can access item details in home inspection reports and through a free mobile app. Join us for a demo and feedback session.
11:00 am – 1:00 pm ET
Identifying Exterior Water Problems
Presenter: Reuben Saltzman, Structure Tech
One of the biggest problems facing newer homes is bulk water intrusion at the exterior walls, which can lead to mold problems and rot. This class will help home inspectors identify water intrusion while conducting a home inspection, focusing on stucco, AMSV, wood siding, and vinyl siding. Most of the inspection methods shown in this class exceed home inspection Standards of Practice, but they are not intrusive. This class is taught by a home inspector, for home inspectors. This class incorporates numerous instructional videos demonstrating advanced inspection methods.
1:10 pm – 1:55 pm ET
Using Communication and Empathy to Grow Your Business in Real Time
Presenters: Paul J Magrone, Home Inspections by PJM Inc. & Sarah Dennis, HomeGauge
Not everything is taught during your certification process! Follow along as Paul J Magrone of Home Inspections by PJM Inc. and Sarah Dennis of HomeGauge have a conversation about how you can gain control of your success through a combination of great communication, above-average interaction, and empathy, no matter who is present during the home inspection.
2:05 pm – 3:05 pm ET
Winning in a Down Market
Presenter: Mark Hummel, IEB Coaching
Winning doesn’t always feel like winning. Now is the time to refine, reflect, and position yourself for future growth. Our industry is in a huge shift. Double down on the opportunity that this represents!
3:15 pm – 4:15 pm ET
The Law & Disorder Seminar
Presenter: Joe Ferry, The Home Inspector Lawyer
Protecting your home inspection business starts with knowing why clients target you. Understand underbussing and let Joe Ferry the Home Inspector Lawyer, inform you on how to lower your liability and utilize the killer defense with the law & disorder seminar.
4:25 pm – 5:25 pm ET
Round Table Discussion — The Future of The Home Inspection Industry
Presenters: Paul McIntyre, President of HomeGauge, Lisa Alajajian Giroux, Incoming 2023 ASHI President, Kathleen A. Kuhn, CFE, President, MooveGuru, & Nick Gromicko, Founder of InterNACHI
There is no question that the home inspection industry has changed rapidly over the last 5 years, with the arrival of big corporations, acquisitions of software companies, a behavioral shift in how people live and work, and an economy in flux that is driving home purchase numbers up and down every quarter. Join us for this moderated panel discussion, and come armed with questions you’d like to hear our panelists answer.
Day 2: HomeGauge Training (Multiple Tracks)
Friday, October 7, 2022
10:30 am – 11:15 am ET
Writing Efficient Reports with Web Writer
Presenter: Mike Rogers, HomeGauge
Spend less time report writing and more time generating business. We’ll show you how Web Writer can save you time and enable you to send reports on site.
Report Writing Basics Using the Desktop Writer
Presenter: Suzie Wallace, HomeGauge
Get to know the Desktop Writer interface and the standard work-flow of completing an inspection report.
11:25 am – 12:10 pm ET
Working with Templates in Web Writer
Presenter: Mike Rogers, HomeGauge
Did you know that you can now edit your template in Web Writer? In this session we’ll show you how to edit templates and make Web Writer your own.
Desktop Writer Template Editing
Presenter: Suzie Wallace, HomeGauge
Let’s get creative & have some fun! Suzie will show you all of the insider tips on customizing your templates, including how to rearrange, add, and delete; how to color code, create summaries, add automations, and other advanced comment features! Bring your questions and insights!
12:20 pm – 1:20 pm ET
Setting Up Services, Agreements, Online Scheduler, and Online Payments
Presenters: Becca Ward & Jon Montgomery, HomeGauge
We will walk you through how to add and edit services, how to add one of the pre-made agreements on your Inspector Dashboard, how to associate the created services to your agreement, and how to configure your public appointment scheduler. You will be shown how to create a new appointment, how to add services, and where to locate the agreement that is added to the appointment. Lastly, we will go over what you need to know in order to get paid online for your services.
Desktop User Guide to Web Writer and How to Use Them Together
Presenter: Mike Rogers, HomeGauge
If you’re currently a HomeGauge Desktop user who’s curious about using Web Writer, this is the session for you. We’ll be covering the basics of our newest product from a Desktop Writer perspective and helping you choose which tool is right for your inspection.
1:30 pm – 2:15 pm ET
Inspector Dashboard — The Basics
Presenter: Suzie Wallace, HomeGauge
Join Suzie as she covers the Inspector Dashboard basics to show you how to get the most out of your subscription, save yourself time & money, and other tips on getting that repeat business!
Dashboard Advanced — Customizing Agreements and Notification Emails
Presenter: Ethan Marvin, HomeGauge
This session will go over adding an agreement to your Inspector Dashboard, editing it using the replacement text that is available, and how to edit your notification emails.
2:25 pm – 3:10 pm ET
Homebuyer Dashboard & The Benefits of Digital Report Uploading
Presenter: David Fiandaca, HomeGauge
This session will walk through your Customer’s experience as they complete certain inspection tasks such as viewing and signing agreements, paying invoices, accessing the inspection report, and building a CRL.
3:20 pm – 4:20 pm ET
How to Level Up Your Web Presence
Presenters: Carla Heatherly & Dan Conerd, HomeGauge
Join Carla and Dan for tips on how to level up your online presence! We’ll cover topics like how to keep your website active and engaging for your visitors, how to use customer reviews and social media to gain traction with the search engines, and other fun ways to grow your business online.
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm ET
New Releases & Up Next
Presenters: Mike Rogers, Paul McIntyre, & Dax Hamman, HomeGauge
The product team will provide a sneak peak at our roadmap for the year ahead across our Business Management Suite, Desktop and Web Writer apps. We’ll also host a Q&A session where you can provide real-time feedback on what you’d like to see next.